Saturday, July 21, 2007


An excerpt from a message - maybe posted, maybe censored- in another blog.

One thing is an OPINION. The other is reality and the facts that configure such reality.

" more OBVIOUS thing (and I hope I won't be censored at this time, but anyways...): nowadays, ANY international matter related to anything (security, economy, politics, health, etc) MUST have the participation of European countries. As a Brazilian, I WELCOME any criticism (as strong as it may be) from the European Nations. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about the Americans. This attitude is not a personal opinion, it is actually based on FACTS. I live in the US, I work in the US, I am housing an American in my apartment for free, I have many American friends, I am not against Americans. I am just pointing out FACTS. Facts that cleary show that, due to recent international events, Americans have little or NO authority over important matters around the planet. Any Federal organism in the US is questionable. And this is not ANTI-americanism. This is not hostility. Can't you separate things???This is based on facts (and lies told to millions of people worldwide by the actual American administration)".

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